
Airfresheners Stink

I was just watching a little TV while folding the laundry and the amount of air freshener commercials caught my attention.

We are stuffed full of messages that our bodies smell bad, our homes smell bad, our clothes smell bad, our cars smell bad, and the list goes on. Thankfully we are also offered "fabulous" solutions to these "problems" we have.

So, deodorants, scented candles, air fresheners, etc. are the answer, right? WRONG!

First, often there is no "problem". All these messages make us paranoid. (However, my husband's workout clothes really DO smell bad)

Second, life is suppose to have some scent to it. It would suck to live in a neutrally smelling world.

Third, these chemical options to de-smell ourselves are not the way to go. These products are full of chemicals and toxins. Yes, the companies say that their products are harmless but this is far from the truth.

Did you know that these companies are not even required to list all the ingredients?!??! They are allowed to list "fragrance" without disclosing what chemicals that might include.

Many deodorizers use phthalates which are not regulated by the FDA. Phthalates have been shown to cause cancer, developmental and sex hormone abnormalities in infants and can effect fertility.

During my masters program in Public Health I did a project on indoor air quality and the health effects in children. Sadly I found that our kids are not protected by the current systems. Kids metabolisms are higher thus a lower level creates toxicity in their bodies. Most products are NOT tested with kids little bodies mind so these so called "safe levels" of cancer causing chemicals are speaking about adult bodies. And even for adults, why would you choose to breath in a product that has been shown to cause cancer? It just seems to contrary to common sense.

So, stop deodorizing your homes, your carpets, your laundry, your car, and especially your kids rooms and play areas. You precious babies do not need cologne. Choose organic and all natural products for deodorants. Use ecological laundry detergents and house cleaners.

When a real need for improving odors surfaces, try ventilating and it all else fails, use a few drops of an essential oil and water in a warmer. Even then, check the label.


Diet truths

The people who come to me wanting to lose fat are endless. The people who really are willing to change their habits are few and far between.

People, if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got!

If fat loss was easy, personal trainers wouldn't be needed. Fat loss is SIMPLE but not easy. There is a difference. I can GUARANTEE that you will loose fat IF you follow the plan. The problem is, most people who want to lose fat aren't really willing to do the work. Well, sorry, but there is no easy way. You've got to change your habits. And the worse news is that you have to KEEP (most of) those habits because if you go back to your old habits, as I said before, "you will get what you always got" and gain the weight back.

Getting older is not an excuse either for getting fat. The reason people gain weight as they get older is because their metabolism gets slower. Now, before you jump up and say "See! It's not my fault!", I'll tell you why the metabolism slowed down. It slowed down because if you do not maintain muscle, it will atrophy and go away. Basically each year that you don't stay active, lift weights, you will lose muscle. Losing muscle means lowering metabolism. Then if you eat the same as before and worse combine it with moving less, it shouldn't be a surprise to see the fat accumulate.

Basic healthy eating habits (while achieving fat loss):
  1. Eat fresh foods and avoid processed crap
  2. Eat like a king for breakfast, like a prince for lunch, and like a peasant for dinner
  3. Eat slow and chew well
  4. Drink only water and herbal/green teas (no pop (not even diet!), no coffee, no alcohol, no juice, etc.)
  5. Eat some protein and fat with complex carbs. Avoid carbs alone.
  6. Eat enough good fats
  7. Load up on nutrient dense foods and avoid empty calories
  8. Watch the portion sizes
That's about it. If you want to see more specifics you can check out our other blog that follows body transformation and describes our diet.

It's not that difficult. Just love your health and your body more than the endless array of crappy food available to us.

Basic question to keep in mind when you make your nutrition choices:
"Will this choice get me closer to my goal or further away from it?"


Lazy Buns

Is your butt taking a free ride?

One of the most common problems I see as a corrective exercise specialist is lazy glutes. Is your bum a lazy bum?

Inactive or poorly active glutes can cause havoc for the body. Just imagine these huge muscles not doing their job! Someone else has to take up the slack. This can cause the hamstring and lower back to over work and thus complain in the form of pain, strains, etc. Also, knee pain can often be traced back to lazy glutes. Obviously poorly functioning glutes leave you far from optimal performance. This is like driving a car with only half of the cylinders working!

So, let’s see if your glutes are asleep and going for a free ride.

Hold a basic back bridge for 60 seconds. At the end of the 60 seconds note where you feel the effort. Which muscles are working the most: the hamstrings, the glutes, or the low back?

Your glutes are lazy if you feel this exercise more in the low back or the hamstrings.

Other signs for potentially lazy glutes include:
  • Anterior pelvic tilt
  • Tight hip flexors
  • “No butt”
  • Knee problems
  • Knees that cave in while running, squatting, etc.

So I have Lazy Glutes. Now what?!

A few basic exercises to activate the glutes include:
  • Clam shell
  • Back bridge
  • The Cook hip lift (pictured below)
  • 1 leg squat
  • Horizontal bird dog

Keys to successful reactivation include:
  • Focus and concentration. You must think of the muscle you want to fire. We are working on the nervous system connection to the muscles.
  • Palpation. Touch your glutes. This will increase neuromuscular facilitation and assist in activation.
  • Patience. Most likely your butt didn’t start bumming yesterday. It can take some time to retrain the brain-muscle connection.
  • Perfect technique. Poor technique only teaches poor mechanics to your system. Be sure to use perfect technique. Otherwise you might as well do nothing.

Pick 2 to 3 activation exercises above and do them every day for 2 sets of 10-15. It is recommended that you start with the easier exercises first to assure perfect technique. Always do your activation exercises BEFORE your workout to aid in better movements during the training.

This glute bridge test is part of a full corrective assessment. A corrective exercise specialist can perform a complete movement assessment and provide compensation specific exercises to help you realign your body. The idea is to calm down the over active muscles, lengthen the shortened muscles, activate the inactive muscles, and improve integrated muscle coordination. This article only touches on activating the glutes. A comprehensive corrective exercise program would also include self myofascial release, specific stretches, additional activation exercises, and integration exercises.


25 Random Things about Me

I've been infected with this game played in Facebook. I have loved reading about my friends so I thought I would share with you 25 random things about me so you can get know me a little better.

1. I have moved across the Atlantic 2 times, every 14 years. From Finland to Oregon when I was 14 and from Oregon to Catalunya (Spain) when I was 28. Where will I move when I'm 42?

2. My 2 biggest loves are horses and dancing (ballroom, esp. latin).

3. I also love all things pregnancy, birth, and babies.

4. I used to love horror movies and thriller books and now can't stand either.

5. I can hear the electronic sound from the tv and the cell phone charger and both drive me nuts.

6. I still haven't found the right moment to spread my dad's and my brother's ashes.

7. My mom will soon live in Finland again and my other brother lives in Oregon.

8. I have 15 cousins that I am getting to know now as an adult. I'm already looking forward to summer at the family summer place in Finland!

9. I love board games, especially puzzles.

10. I was the top student in my exercise and sport science graduating class at OSU.

11. I completed a masters in public health only because i wanted a graduate assisstantship at Dixon (the rec center at OSU).

12. I am athletic but can't play any team sport with a ball to save my life. I do much better in individual sports.

13. I have worked as a barista, a telemarketer, inn-keeper at a B&B, cleaner, English teacher, and a catering waitress before sticking to the fitness industry.

14. I was a party animal my first 2 years of college. I got two MIPs, my favorite drink was Everclear, I gained 25 lbs, and I was in a sorority. I felt like hell those years. Now I drink maybe 3 drinks a year.

15. I speak 4 languages on a daily basis. (Finnish, English, Spanish, and Catalan)

16. I have worked as a personal trainer since 1998 and a fitness instructor since 2000. At one point I taught 6 spin classes a week. I have taught everything from kickboxing to dance.

17. I skiied for 7 years and switched to snowboarding 16 years ago. I am now thinking about switching back.

18. I have done a few triathlons only because my hubby does them and I really wanted to like doing them. I still hate swimming and running. I do now enjoy road biking and we even bought a tandem as our wedding gift to ourselves.

19. My hubby and I met as exchange students in Finland (I went back to study for a year). He lived 2 stories below me and I could see how he cooked without his shirt from the reflection off the next door building's windows. :) I fell in love with him playing ice-hockey and Finnish baseball. We had a long distance relationship for 6 years. We had 5 wedding celebrations.

20. I don't exercise as much as people think I do.

21. I LOVE black liquorice, especially the salted kind from Finlad, salmiakki. I can (and have) seriously eat a kilo of it by myself in one sitting. The only reason I am not fatter is because salmiakki is not available in Banyoles.

22. I broke my foot in grad school by getting out of bed.

23. I had this need to have a job with "a title" so I spent a miserable 6 months in California as the Wellness and Fitness Director at UCI. Then I realized I was being an idiot, moved to Catalunya to be with the man I love and opened a studio doing what I really love, perinatal fitness and corrective exercise.

24. I LOVE studying and going to workshops.

25. I remember the names of all the babies born to Fitness Integral moms.


Hamstring magic

Try this:

1.) Stand up and try to touch your toes.
2.) Make a mental note of how far (or not) down you can reach.
3.) Hold your mouth wide open (think dentist) for 60 seconds (yes, time it!)
4.) Reach for your toes again and note the improvement.

Strange, huh?