
Pregger Fit

Today is the big day on 12 Days of Fitness that my ebook makes it debut!

If you have downloaded the program, I truly hope you will make use of it and not let it collect dust on your hard drive. The exercises are simple yet effective. I have focused on just 10 key exercises to help endure pregnancy with a smile and prepare your body for a fabulous birth and motherhood.

These exercises are part of each one of my pregger classes at the studio. They work!

Enjoy the program and let me know if you have questions or comments!



Lessons from dog trainers

Today I watched a Brittish show called "It's me or the dog". http://animal.discovery.com/convergence/its-me-or-the-dog/bio/bio.html

It is a reality show about disobedient dogs and their owners. A super fab trainer, Victoria Stilwell, comes to the rescue and whips these families and dogs into behaving better.

Today it was truly like "The Biggest Loser" for dogs. There were three obese dogs who Victoria took on as clients. Most of the poor dogs had been fed into DOUBLE their ideal body weight by their owners. Unreal.

What struck me about the show today was how difficult it was for some of these families to get their dogs to lose weight! Literally every single calorie the pooch intakes can be controlled by the owner. There is no reason these dogs shouldn't have fabulous results. Two out of three families did really well and the pups got their figures back. The third kept slowly killing their dog by feeding it too much. By the end Victoria took the third pup for one month bootcamp and gave the dog its life back. 5 months later when she returned to the families, this dog was fat again at DOUBLE her ideal body weight.

I think this is unexcusable! It is much harder for humans to lose weight because we eat for other reasons besides hunger and we have an abundance of food available. A pet dog can only eat when it is given food. It is a form of animal abuse to not feed and exercise your dog properly.

My theory on why fatty beagle's "mom" was keeping the dog fat is that she wanted company. She couldn't allow her dog to be slim if she couldn't be slim herself. Sadly the "mom" kept gaining weight throughout the 6 months of taping.

I would venture a guess that if you have a fat dog, he or she is not getting enough exercise. This probably means you are not getting enough exercise. Get off your bum and help your dog lose weight. Hopefully in the process you will get fitter too!

I will leave you with the a quote from the show about over eating:
"A moment on the lips, is a life time on the hips."

Make good choices.

Salut i felicitat,


Ill-fitting panties

I am wearing underwear that doesn't fit....For the third day in a row. (at least it's not the same pair! :P)

I started thinking about it on my way to the studio as every single step I took on my 4 minute 22 second trip there, made my parts uncomfortable. I thought, "What the hell am I doing?!" I had the CHOICE to not put on this pair that I fully well know are not a good fit for my bum. "Why did I do this to myself?!"

I give you this TMI (too much information in case you're not familiar with TMIs) to illustrate something so many of us are guilty of way. too. often.

We CHOOSE to do things that are counter productive when a straight forward better way is available. We CHOOSE the "easy" way out instead of the one with more benefits. We CHOOSE for right this second vs. better in the long run.

Back to my knickers. :) So this morning my thoughts were like this: "S*!t, I really hate this pair of undies. Why do I only have these aweful pairs left? Where are all of my undies? Ahaa... They must be in the clean laundry pile on the couch... Nah, I don't want to go find them now, I'll just put on these uncomfy ones."

So, I CHOSE for what seemed easier at the moment (not making the effort to find the good ones) instead of CHOOSING to make the effort for what is good in the longterm (happy parts all day long).

If you are still with me after the TMI, now comes the link to wellness...

December is the month so many fall for the crappy (no pun intended...) undies. Temptation of party platters spilling over with delicious desserts, the stores full of special holiday foods, and the never ending to-dos the we use as excuses to miss workouts become our ill-fitting panties. We CHOOSE immediate satisfaction of gorging on unhealthy foods or the easier way of skipping exercise sessions and then suffer with stomach aches, tiredness, guilty feelings, and getting fatter. In the long run, it is so. much. easier. to CHOOSE the effort of taking care of yourself and giving up some instant satisfaction.

Ready for the tough love?

If you are wearing uncomfortable panties or boxers, the truth is, you CHOSE to put them on. As such, you lost your right to complain. Start making better CHOISES NOW. Don't wait until January to remove the ill-fitting panties. By January those panties will have grown stuck to your behind.

Salut i felicitat,


I Believe

Welcome to my first blog post!

I am excited to share with you some personal development work that I have been embarking on with my new coach, Dax Moy. He has given me the needed kick in the butt to start a blog and a great inauguration topic. He challenged his mentees and other fitness coaches around the world to follow his lead to be very transparent in our work. First task is to post an "I Believe" blog. You can see the post that started a world wide "I Believe" phenomenon amongst fitness professionals here http://personaltrainersuccess.blogspot.com/2008/11/what-i-believe.html

Here it goes...

I believe
    • I believe in collaboration and referral. As a fitness professional, I believe our task is to help clients achieve optimum wellbeing within all the dimensions of wellness. This means having a network of other professionals to refer to. Chances are a client will be better served by seeing multiple professionals for a more holistic approach.
    • I belive that "excusitis" is an epidemic. If you look for the perfect time to start x, you will never find it. Perfect time doesn't exist. You should get started NOW.

    • I agree with Dax that doctors in general know very little about exercise. I also would say that sadly, many gynocologists know very little about what is best for the woman and child during labor and birth.

    • I believe that postpartum care for women is generally pathetic. Perinatal fitness specialists are desperately needed to help women recover their weak core and pelvic floor muscles. I bet if men were the ones giving birth postpartum care would be a lot different. Women, we deserve better!

    • I believe every person needs a corrective exercise program to achieve optimum health. All of us end up with compensations from our past and current habits.

    • I believe with poor nutrition optimum life is impossible. It saddens me that so many adults and kids eat so poorly. They have no idea how good they could be feeling!

    • I believe most people, including myself, have a hard time living in the present. We all should slow down a little and enjoy the present. Life is too short to always be in a hurry.

    • I believe people have good intentions and do the best they THINK they can in their current reality. Changing these thoughts and taking ACTION (thanks Dax!) is the way to change this reality.

    • I believe all health professionals need to lead by example. It frustrates me to see doctors, trainers, nutritionists, etc. overweight, unfit, and/or smoking.

    • I believe my task is to educate and empower.

    • I believe we all need a lot of human touch on a regular basis for optimal wellbeing. I believe hugs are much better than cheek kisses. :) Since moving to Catalunya 2 years ago I really miss hugs!

    I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my thoughts. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Leave a comment!

    Salut i felicitat,
